foodie mcfooderson

a home cook with notions & an appetite

ad hoc torn croutons

Remember how I promised we’d talk about that garlic oil?  We’re up to that time and demonstrating the versatility lifesaver recipes are in Keller’s ad hoc at home cook book.  Don’t worry, I promise that these croutons will make yet another appearance (which means that the garlic oil is still going to be discussed indirectly).

The ingredients are pretty simple (even if you’re looking at making the garlic confit, they’re still simple):

  • 1 loaf country bread (this is one I made)
  • garlic oil from garlic confit
  • 2 Tbs unsalted butter

See, easy!

Prepping the bread was my major work.  You can ignore the asparagus in the background for now (it’s a spoiler for an upcoming ad hoc recipe!).

I cut off the crusts and tore the bread into irregular pieces.  Bread crusts make excellent dog treats.  (I know, I know, you’re not supposed to feed your dog people food…have you ever had an underfoot corgi begging you for food?)  Fine, if you are a perfect dog owner, bread crusts can be either composted or pulverized into additional breadcrumbs.  Or pulverized and mixed with food coloring and glue so they can be fashioned into food-based recreations of the Mona Lisa.

Where was I?

Oh, yeah.  Torn croutons.  Time for magic. I melt butter into garlic oil and slowly cook torn croutons over oil until they crisp up into actual croutons (about 20 minutes, flipping around onto each side so they get evenly browned). Delicious, not very nutritious croutons, but unbelievably good. (Let’s be honest, no croutons are that nutritious, and rarely taste this good.)  Bottom line, incredibly satisfying croutons, totally worth it croutons.

Only downside?  These do need to be eaten the day you make them.  They don’t really keep overnight.  Such a terrible, terrible “downside.”

2 comments on “ad hoc torn croutons

  1. Pingback: ad hoc grilled asparagus with prosciutto, fried bread, poached egg, and aged balsamic vinegar « foodie mcfooderson

  2. Pingback: ad hoc cream of cauliflower soup with red beet chips « foodie mcfooderson

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This entry was posted on September 1, 2011 by in ad hoc and tagged , , , , .

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